
Searching for a parking space is a routine (and often frustrating) activity for many people in cities around the world. This search burns about one million barrels of the world’s oil every day. As the global population continues to urbanize, without a well-planned, convenience-driven retreat from the car, these problems will worsen. Smart parking is…

Virtoscope-live feed into VR

Have you ever wanted to visit the New Year’s Vienna’s philharmonic concert but never managed to get hold of the tickets? What about that football game that you want to see live but for which you don’t have time to fly half-across the world? Maybe you simply want to talk to your grandkids that live…


  MOMS is the innovation in transport and logistics. It’s an easy-to-use Android application that links the driver’s smartphone in the truck with shipper, enabling end-to-end real-time processes, paperless dispatch and visibility up to the delivery.